четверг, 6 февраля 2014 г.

How to reduce the conflicts with mining companies and locals. Kyrgyzstan - Talas - Andash - Djeruy (Part II)

The Kyrgyz Republic is the third country in the Commonwealth of Independent States in terms of gold production after the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan. At this point in the country there are more than thirty significant gold fields. Currently there are operated gold fields such as “Kumtor”, “Makmal” in The Kyrgyz Republic. In addition, there is a process of preparation for the development such gold fields like “Djeruy” and also “Andash” field[1].

Part II.
Is it necessary for government to interfere?
If the government will not participate in the resolution of the conflict between local people and mining company, the situation may lead to a deterioration in the investment climate, the loss of potential and existing investors, as well as the decline of the mining industry in general. This will seriously affect the economy, because all mining and fees paid by companies for the extraction of minerals, are considered by the government of the Kyrgyz Republic as a way to increase the income item of the budget.
The government needs to intervene because of the following statements. The relationship between mining companies and the State agency of geology and mineral resources of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic there is no clear, transparent, negotiated and agreed with all stakeholders procedure distribution of funds received from the company's payments to the state. Without  government intervention, these funds are not guaranteed to be directed for the development of all oblast in general and Talas oblast in particular. Also it will be necessary for the maintain expenses the environment restoration.
In case of leaving this situation as unchanged, it is expected the mutual risks that will occur mainly in the following:
- Reduce the investment attractiveness of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- Further weakening of state (governmental) power in the regions;
- The growth of conflict among the population in the oblasts (districts);
- Depreciation of the institution of private property.
Problems of local character may also be indicated as follows:
- Reduction of jobs and career prospects of the local labor force;
- Strengthening of internal and external migration among the local population.
These risks exist but also could mutually arise in case of non-interference by the government.
Through the systematic and permanent solution of the problems of the local population, by improving socio-economic conditions in oblasts (districts), the government will create conditions for the development of agriculture, small and medium-sized enterprises, which would affect on the reduction of unemployment, increase incomes. It will also influence on improvement of the investment climate.
Interference by the government will create the material basis for a number of socio- economic programs, programs for the development of education and health in oblast. It will support innovations practiced by farmers and entrepreneurs.
The scale of the problem
In attempt of clearly and suspended the problem situation “Serep” Research Institute consider described issue in the geographical scope – the gold field “Andash”, located in the Talas region, at north-east of Talas district of the Kyrgyz Republic. “Andash” gold field is located at a distance of 75 kilometers to the east from Talas city (capital of Talas oblast). The gold field differs with proximity of existing infrastructure and access to roads. In close proximity to the mine located habitant village - Kopuro Bazaar.
It is important to note that this field was discovered and superficially investigated in 1962. The primary exploration was carried out from 1982 till 1988. And the additional surveys occurred from 2004 to 2006. According to data of State agency of geology and mineral resources of the Kyrgyz Republic The deposit contains 20 tons of copper content of 0.6 grams per one ton of empty ore[2].
The first signs of problems like conflict sentiments of local population have been identified since (CJ-SK) “Andash Mining Company” acquired a license to exploration and extracting mineral resources at gold field “Andash” in 2004[3].
Also, this problem should be considered in the scale of the mining industry of Kyrgyz Republic as a whole. The conflicts between local population and mining companies appear not limitedly at the gold field “Andash” in Talas oblast, but also at other gold fields by the country.
Is this problem new or just re-issue?
The problem of the conflicts between local people and mining companies in Talas oblast may be relevant for a long time, with the possible prospect of further deterioration and growth. For almost seven years, there has not been effective steps to resolve the situation with social-economic situation in oblast. The conflict possibility could occur as long as government develop and implement a wide range program of social-economic development of the oblast and its districts.
It is assumed that the conflict problem will be relevant as long as it will be developed and agreed the social-economy strategy development for oblast upon by all parties (stakeholders) of the relationship (the government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the State agency of geology and mineral resources of the Kyrgyz Republic, the state administration of Talas oblast, the state administration of Talas district, representatives of the local population, the mining company, others).
For example, as a core act we could consider Chapter num.6.1.2 of “The Country Development Strategy for 2009 - 2011 years”, approved by the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic on March 31st 2009 N183 (hereinafter - the development strategy of the country). Chapter num.6.1.2 is just establishing the general incompleteness of reforms, a tension between the mining companies and the local population (without specifying particular cases). This act does not contain any mechanism, that takes into account the interests of local people and mining companies. Also it is visible a lack of advocacy on the part of the authorities. On some methods and recommendations to address and resolve the problem in this document does not say anything.
Background. What has been done?
In fact, during the period from 2004 to 2012, the government has not undertaken any effective steps to overcome these conflicts. It is noticed, there has been issued a number of regulations with the direction to solving the problem, holding meetings with stakeholders and events that highlight the problem. Agency staff who supervised the activities of subsoil users, law enforcement authorities, the government of the Kyrgyz Republic, members of parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic, various news agencies have visited the places where there is a conflict between the company. Also, there have been cases when the funds were paid to the local population in a single one-time assistance. The government here still takes the role of an outside observer.
Mining companies operate in the country have changed the key parameters of the local population. Thus, the management of these companies has been repeatedly raised the issue of establishing a fund donated by the public, have been working on strengthening the capacity of local infrastructure and the capacity of the local community.
September 14th of 2011, on a open public discussion was the draft of the bill that establishes amendments and additions to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic concern the non-tax payments”. The draft of bill “On the non-tax payments” is interesting in terms of concepts such as “fees” and “payments” which is proposed to introduce the concept of “taxes”. Thus, the fourth paragraph of Article 2 of Bill establishes the term “royalties” as follows: “as a state-set type of payment being made mandatory for subsoil infrastructure development and maintenance of local importance”.
It is important that the text of the Bill determines the appointment of non-tax payments - namely, the maintenance of a proper state of infrastructure, health and educational institutions.
In addition, in order to resolve the conflict between local communities and mining companies conducted outreach to local communities as to how it will be conducted mining, what is the expected damage from mining and how it will be conducted reclamation.

Sanjar Abakirov, “Serep” Research Institute

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2. Development Fund for Law and Business (2011). The position of the local population and local authorities with respect to mining in their territory. Findings of the public hearings on the activities of mining companies in Talas, Naryn and Jalal-Abad oblasts of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, hotel «Hyatt».
3. Oreshkin A. (2001 January 26). “Kumtor”: take and share , Evening Bishkek, p.2.
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11. http://www.24.kg/economics/108983-kyrgyzstan-gornodobivaushaya-promyshlennost.html - “Kyrgyzstan. GornoDobivayuschaya industry?”
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[1] Shamsutdinov RM Educational-methodological guide. KRSU. Bishkek.
[2] Cuban Ashyrkulov. Relations between mining companies and local communities: experience, problems and solutions. April 15, 2011, Bishkek
[3] Cuban Ashyrkulov. Relations between mining companies and local communities: experience, problems and solutions. April 15, 2011, Bishkek

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