понедельник, 3 сентября 2012 г.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Medicine knows generalized anxiety disorder as an illness with symptoms of anxiety and neurosis. In a world of specialists distinguish three specific groups of the following symptoms. In medical literature exists differentiation:
Anxiety and fears that the patient is difficult to control and that last longer than usual. This concern is generalized and is not focused on specific problems, such as the possibility of a panic attack (as in panic disorder), stranded (as in social phobia) or contaminated (with obsessive-compulsive disorder).
Motor voltage, which can be expressed in muscle tension, tremors, inability to relax, headache (usually bilateral and often in the frontal and occipital regions).
Hyperactivity autonomic nervous system, which is expressed sweating, tachycardia, dry mouth, epigastric discomfort and dizziness.
Other psychiatric symptoms are irritability, poor concentration and sensitivity to noise. Some patients, when they were tested for the ability to concentrate, complain of poor memory. If indeed an infringement of memory, a thorough psychological examination to exclude primary organic mental disorder.
According to personal experience we can say nothing about it. But the principal manifestation of generalized anxiety disorder is a chronic anxiety. Here, according to medicine dictionary the alarm is an emotional experience in which a person feels uncomfortable with uncertain prospects. Also, evolutionary significance of the alarm is to mobilize the body in extreme situations. IA certain level of anxiety is necessary for human life and human productivity. Normal anxiety helps to adapt to different situations, it is increasing in a high subjective importance of choice, an external threat, with a lack of information and time. Pathological anxiety, though can be provoked by external circumstances, due to the internal psychological and physiological causes.

article by Forest Gump

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