суббота, 8 сентября 2012 г.

How we look at the environment

In our daily activities, each of us a few times, consciously or automatically leads process for obtaining knowledge. It can only affect domestic sphere, and may involve many different: leisure, work, education, and so on. Undoubtedly, much of the knowledge generated in us automatically and we hardly realize that we accept certain knowledge from outside. Thus, the knowledge is formed in us, and gradually we use them in our lives.

According to some work professor at New York State University, Vincent R. Ruggiero most discussed form of knowledge - to know that. He focuses on the information. Another, equally important kind of knowledge - is to know how. He focuses on the procedures and strategies. The measure to know how, or know-how, is not possession richness of content and ownership skills.

As Professor, we can get genuine knowledge in three different ways, namely, from personal experience, from observation and from reports from other people. It would seem to us that the first method is considered the most reliable, but it is far from perfect. But we, for the most part, do not just acquire new experiences and keep it sealed in his mind. We are constantly analyzing this information, we work with it, use it. For example, we compare this information with past experience, classify it, interpret and evaluate, try to understand. It is possible that these processes in humans can sometimes occur unconsciously and without our knowledge. Thus, any violation in this process makes the idea of ​​our experience other than that with which we have dealt in their experience in reality.

The most suitable example is given by Professor Vincent R. Ruggiero, when considered a social phenomenon as human childhood. Clearly, for many of us, childhood was a certain stage of our development. Most of us will never have thoughts of anyone who did not have children, so we are easily and readily believe that childhood has always existed. However, according to historical research scientists proved that this idea is false. The historian James X. Plumb in one of their fundamentals work says that the existing world of European children with his tales, games, toys, special textbooks, even the idea of ​​childhood - an invention of the last four centuries. It does not even have a special word for young men between the ages of seven and sixteen. Then, the word "child" means simply related, but not age.

Due to the fact that our perceptions are not passively acquired by us, and they influence our emotional state and mental processes, they rarely report accurately reflect the reality - says Professor Vincent R. Ruggiero. Indeed, in reality, emotional states and mental processes seriously distort our surrounding reality.
As for the next way to gain knowledge of it for observation. Of course, the monitor must also be able. So, watching the people, objects and phenomena of the world have with you is important to understand that it will be effective, provided that it is correct. At its widest the work of Professor Vincent R. Ruggiero says, "keep accurate observation is possible, but we sometimes do not bother to do it." Often we really look at the world around us through the lens of our experiences, emotions and beliefs. This is due to the fact that we know about the world for a long time before you see it for yourself. Initially, almost always, we first talk about the world, and then later we see it. Before we decide to try for yourself or that the subject of the material world, we have to imagine. It is important to understand that any resulting prejudice so that's way gives a distorted view of things, object or phenomenon. The only way to get rid of or avoid it - education. It is not always able to give us what is exceptional insight, but we somehow get the opportunity to give us something to manage the whole process of perception. In addition, the personal perception built on prejudice is often defined objects as familiar or unfamiliar. This in turn underlines the tangible for human differences. So, for example, hardly seems like a familiar begins the familiar and the unfamiliar becomes a completely foreign. As Professor Vincent R. Ruggiero differences awaken weak signals, which may vary from the actual sign up to a vague analogy.

Finally, a third source - the message. This source can gain knowledge from almost anywhere, as it covers a large part of what we are taught. This includes parents, teachers, friends and colleagues. Also, we have sufficient knowledge of the media, books, newspapers, magazines and the Internet. Interestingly, most of the people in our lives we share with all kinds of information. Part of it is given to us as an idea, someone we even try what you teach. And even despite the fact that they teach us in good faith on the basis of "fair" in their understanding of the information they have at the same time we can mislead in certain facts. In most cases, they sometimes are convinced that tells us the correct accurate information. However, according to Professor Vincent R. Ruggiero, because they are human and can make mistakes because it is likely that a large proportion of what we are taught, at least partly wrong.

There are many interesting examples regarding misuse of "training." Thus, reporters and journalists often arrive late on the scene. And because all of the information from these experts draw onlookers, law enforcement, that is, from those whose knowledge consists of incomplete information on the facts and on the basis of rumors, they exchanged. Well, no wonder that our media so poorly working on coverage of events.
Errors sometimes occur due to simple negligence. For example, in a number of local online news sites were told that someone named say "Smith" was arrested for another named "Petrov" in the head. After a while it became clear that it was not so, in support of which will be released on a revised version of the same events. There will be described, as "Petrov" hit "Ivanov" on the leg. It appeared to hit the other person, and not on the spot. But it is important to understand that those who have read the first article about the incident, but missed the second article, in theory, as it were, and "know" what happened, but they would be wrong.
Many such errors and wrong judgments incorporated not strange in textbooks and scientific benefits. Sin in this business academic monographs and Manuals. But most of academic articles and books contain more precise and accurate review of the problems, the investigation, because the authors have a great time and work carefully. But often those cases where the authors of the articles and books tend to disclose events (especially historical) are not like the ones taking place, as well as the author likes to think of them, or both, according to him, they are his audience thinks.

Thus we see that the world and its understanding is very sensitively dependent on how much you are willing to accept the facts accurate and honest information. And in fact how you objectively evaluate an event, or that person - it depends on you.

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